Desert Development

Agricultural production is one of the most important activities in the company and dovetails with the country's aim of increasing food self-sufficiency and increase export  on imports. The agricultural part of the business provides a range of different products; from onions, potatoes and fruits to olives, wheat, corn and alfalfa, as well as other nutritional animal fodder which is used to feed the dairy cows on the farms.

FUTURE Agriculture uses the latest technology and farming practices to grow the best quality food and crops including using state-of-the-art systems.

As a result of implementing best practice farming from around the world, the company has had many successes and been presented with several internationally accreditation certificates for farming and quality of produce.

Through its economic development projects across the country, FUTURE aims to  increase export and dependability on the national economy and encourage the contribution of the agricultural sector for the country's future sustainability.